Friday, January 15, 2016

ROOT CHAKRA (1st Chakra)

In the Sunday Chakra Yang/Yin series, we started our journey through the chakra system at the root chakra.  Thought I'd share some basic information about these energy centres for anyone who may be interested.  With the root chakra, we focused mainly on the physical body and our legs and feet (our physical roots), but these energy centres encompass so much more!

Sanskrit Muladhara (root support)
Location base of the spine
Color red
Element earth
Symbol yellow square
Purpose foundation, support, stability
Verb I AM
Demon fear
Yoga Postures
(to support & open centre)
- Sukhasana (seated cross legged)
- Uttanasana (standing forward fold)
-Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II)

Because I'm a "breath girl", I can't not also share a breath technique to go along with this chakra!

Prithvi Mandala Pranayama for the Root Chakra
This breath technique comes from the Gitananda Yoga tradition which my teacher, David, was trained in.  This technique involves inhaling, exhaling and retentions (holding the breath). 
**** Because of the retentions, this technique should not be practiced if you have hypertension, heart disease, asthma, ulcers or if you are pregnant.  Breath retentions can also be intense if you are new to a pranayama practice, so if you feel any strain irritation or cramping . . . PLEASE STOP!  No pranayama technique should cause a feeling of strain.

This technique involves a four-part breath:
  • inhale for a count of 6
  • hold the breath (with the lungs full) for a count of 6
  • exhale for a count of 6
  • hold the breath (with the lungs empty) for a count of 6
Continue this pattern for at least 9 rounds.  If a 6 count feels like too much when starting out, you can lessen the count to 4 for each round.  For an audio recording of this technique, along with a visualization that can be used with this breath, you can visit my own site by clicking here on this link.

Up next . . . . the emotional body of the second chakra :)

See you on our mats!

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